Today’s Park

We were having a discussion about Parks the other day, the consensus was that whilst they are constantly evolving there was a need to include more of today’s more modern infrastructure within a park boundaries.
Do you think that is the case?
For instance – constant wifi?
24 hour video access to see wild life etc. ?
Adoption of solar energy , for example path lighting powered by solar ?
More group areas for meetings outside ?
More refreshment areas ?
Less grass areas ?
The addition of vegetable areas for people to try or see how to grow ?
More opportunities to show visitors how to do something?
What do you think?
We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas,
Ann & Chris
Growing Trends
I think some parks need to evolve to meet modern needs, not all. New parks really need to address modern life and it’s preoccupations and could be places for more community activity. However there are issues with public space gardening and one of the most problematic is that of proper garden maintenance. I visited a lovely small park in Ely which has been innovative in its planting schemes and was the result of a lot of voluntary work as well as sponsorship of plants. Sadly it’s not being maintained. It’s full of bind weed, sow thistle and many other rapidly spreading weeds that are pushing out the garden plants. There was also evidence that a contractor had been brought in for some aspects and 1 or 2 maturing shrubs, that had been allowed to develop their natural habit had been given the classic car park haircut with a trimmer. So sad to see a great idea being compromised by poor care and management.
When I go to a park, I want to forget the outside world and feel like I am in nature. Parks are so manicured that they don’t feel like nature anymore. No to wifi. Maybe video depending on the size of the city and the crime rate. Our small town has a community garden near a park area for people to grow their veggies if they don’t have a yard. Parks NEED more grass. Just my opinion. I want to go to a park for grass, not asphalt. I really don’t go to parks very often anymore since I live in a small town surrounded by a National Forest. I just go out a little ways and enjoy nature without the people influence.