Square Foot Gardening

Ann and I will be interviewing Mel Bartholomew the inventor of the Square Foot Garden in the coming weeks. So with that in mind we thought we would see what the internet had to say about the benefits of gardening.

When I looked up ‘The benefits of Gardening’ on the internet – the results were quite surprising, especially as you could call me a ‘seasoned’ horticulturist and then some !

Please take a few more moments and add your votes, just tick the ones you agree with, or add some of your own .

[polldaddy poll=8749878]


With Spring definitely in the air. Plants are appearing in stores, the chances of frosts whilst still present are diminishing, but it is still wise to be vigilant and check the weather forecasts.

One of our Hort Cuisine Kits
One of our Hort Cuisine Kits

Our next interview on Growing Trends is Norma Burnson talking about her mission ” Sustainable Food for the Globe, One Square Foot at a Time”.  You can read more on our web site at www.grotrends.com.

Ann & Chris, Growing Trends.

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